Ordinators Vancian magic less crippling
This mod reduces the magick drain of the vancian magic perk from Ordinator perks of Skyrim by over 1000%, allowing you to have a temporary mana pool through the use of potions or mod added effects (like the atronac stone from andromeda). It also means magicka regen buffs can noticeably slow the mana drain. I… Click to go to page.
Craftable Unenchanted Clothing weapons armor and staffs – No requirements addon
This is an addon made by request. It simply removes the perk and quest completion restrictions on all the items added by the fantastic Craftable Unenchanted Clothing weapons armor and staffs by User_1134155 on the Nexus. It obviously requires the original mod to be loaded first/ above it. Installation Downloads Click to go to page.
Craftable Bound Weapons
Allows the player to craft and temper fully functional permanent bound weapons and arrows. Can be crafted at any smithy for 2 filled grand soul gems and tempered for 1 grand soul gem at any grindstone. Fully compatible with relevant perks and most perk mods (bound weapons inherit perks both from conjuration and their relevant… Click to go to page.
Heroic Humans
Finally feel the Heroism of Humans, with some thematic buffs. This mod will make the Human much more powerful, in line with my other race mods. Humans are versatile, able to use any simple weapon when the need arises and support their allies. Level 1 – Unchanged Level 3 Level 5 Level 7 May need… Click to go to page.
Editing quests for Dragons Dogma questReward.qr
This file is contained in game_main.arc . Once the arc is extracted you can find it easily using a file search program like Everything from Voidtools. As of windows 8, windows no longer includes a proper file searcher and indexer. mQuestNo = quest id. See table below for which id corresponds to which quest. Some… Click to go to page.
Modding Quest Rewards
Unpacking Steps: How to read and edit files: Each “classref” line/section seems to correspond with a quest. Which quest? well thats the tricky part. We can figure out some by comparing the rewards written in the xml, with rewards listed from quests on the wiki and see if we get any unique matches. Otherwise it… Click to go to page.
Modding augments in Dragons Dogma
You need to find the game_main\param\pl\other/PlAbilityParam.ablparam.xml with an extracted game_main.arc. On pawns and saves, editing this file seems to be entirley compatible with online features and existing saves. No offline play or new games required. Hired pawns will simply inherit the effects of your modified augments while in your world and wont affect the owners… Click to go to page.
Modding Stats for Dragons Dogma
mLevel value refers to the level at which this section applies to. Stat gains change at lvl 2+, 11+ and 101+. The level 1 section is starting stats. The other lines are exactly what you think they are, the stats. The value on the end is how much is gained per level. Regular stat growths… Click to go to page.
Unnofficial WazHack Modding GUI
Please report issues stemming from this program to me. Waz the WazHack dev has nothing to do with this app and likely wouldn’t appreciate receiving bug reports for it. Additionally i can’t deal with bug reports that get sent to somone else. The program will compile the input into a text file formatted for WazHacks… Click to go to page.
Superbly Superior Stats
Stat growth in this game is dumb, it only punishes players for changing vocations, it has almost no practical effect on actual game balance. For example for a magick archer the physical attack stat is almost irrelevant so why nerf it? It will just make switching to a physical damage focussed class very punishing. HP… Click to go to page.