Modular Finesse Weapons

A mod for Baldurs Gate 3, compatible with all patches past and probably future.

This mod adds the Finesse tag to weapons, allowing them to use Dexterity for attack rolls if the characters dex is higher than it’s strength. It also allows them to be used for rogues sneak attacks. Each weapon is a seperate file so you can pick and choose what you want.

Versions that apply finesse only when the weapon is 2 handed (empty off hand) are available under optional files.

The 2H variants require the prequisite to be loaded above/before them in load order.
Any install method will work (except probably vortex). But i reccomend Laughing Leaders fantastic Baldurs Gate 3 Mod Manager

If you have other mods that edit weapon stats, you should put them below my mods in the load order. This will ensure any conflicting changes overwrite my mod. Of course if you want my changes no matter what, do the opposite and put my mods at the bottom.

This is compatible with anything that doesn’t edit base weapon entries in Shared\Stats\Generated\Data/Weapon.txt . Something that changes the stats on Shars Spear for example will be fully compatible, as more specific weapon entries inherit or overwrite the stats of the base weapon entry.

Existing Saves
This should be safe to add to existing saves. Ive had no issues in my own testing.
Uninstalling should be fine. But i reccomend going to camp and unequipping any of the 2H finesse weapons among your party first. This prevents any potential issues from the game trying to load the “two handed finesse” status effect, which would no longer exist after uninstall.

Leave a comment if youd be interested in me making two handed finesse version for weapons that have finesse by default, like rapier. It would remove the finesse tag from them by default, re-adding it only when they are two handed. 

Get the mod here:
Checkout my other mods: here or here