Skyrim Scripting 4: Manipulating actor values and functions
Last time: We prepared the OnLevelUp functionality and began the feature script and quest object. This time we will be writing functions that grab the values from our mcm sliders and buttons to set actorvalues to a specific value upon leveling up. We will go through modify actor values, writing functions and using functions and… Click to go to page.
Skyrim Scripting 3: OnLevelUp
Last Time we made a basic MCM menu, in this tutorial we will laying the foundation for adding some functionality to it. Every time the player levels up a notification will trigger. With this knowledge you can then trigger nearly any function on level up. You can view the official documentation for the event here:… Click to go to page.
Skyrim Scripting 2: MCM Scripting Tutorial
Heres part two of this tutorial series. I will go over scripting the mod menu and by the end we will have a basic mod configuration menu with buttons and sliders!. If you have any questions or spot an error, feel free to leave a comment or use the contact page. There is a completed… Click to go to page.